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Honors and Awards

  1. Featured DiBo – Facebook XMPP Client Library for Windows Phone
  2. Nokia Developer Wiki Top contributor
  3. Honor from Nokia Developer Discussion Board
  4. Featured Article – Facebook Authentication in Windows Phone
  5. Nokia DiBo – Poster of the month
  6. Featured Project – CartoonMe
  7. Nokia Wiki – Contributor of the month
  8. Featured Project – Facebook Plus
  9. Featured Article – HubTile in Windows Phone
  10. Nokia Wiki – Contributor of the month
  11. Nokia Developer Champion
  12. Qt Ambassador
  13. Microsoft (India) Rock Star
  14. Nokia Project Moderator
  15. MeeGo LaunchPad Member
  16. MeeGo N950/N9 Program Member
  17. Microsoft (India) Technology Specialist

Articles on Qt/QML

  1. Animated Page Navigation using QML
  2. Animated slide popup dialog using Qt Quick
  3. Basic Animation in QML
  4. Basic UI Implementation using Qt Quick Components
  5. Bouncing Menu using Qt Quick
  6. Bouncing ball animations using Qt Quick
  7. Clipping using Painter Paths in Qt
  8. Cover Flow With Qt
  9. Custom Drop Down Menu
  10. Custom Rating Indicator using Qt Quick
  11. Display Facebook Friend position with Nokia Maps API for Qt
  12. Displaying animated GIFs and other images using Qt Quick
  13. Earthquake-Reporting application with XmlListModel
  14. Element-based Views Without Model Access
  15. Event Filters in Qt
  16. Facebook+ Facebook client with Nokia Maps – app showcase
  17. Google Landmarks on a Nokia Map using Qt Quick
  18. HTML5 video player app using a QWebView
  19. Handling Events in Qt
  20. Handling Gestures in Qt
  21. Live TV with Qt
  22. Live radio with Qt
  23. Number Lock Dialog using Qt Quick
  24. OpenGL with Qt
  25. Page Navigation with State and Transition
  26. Painting in Qt
  27. Pop up screen with State and Transition
  28. Scrolling Toolbar with Flickable
  29. Streaming YouTube videos using Qt Quick in Nokia N9
  30. Transformations with QWidgets
  31. Turnstile ListView using Qt Quick
  32. Turnstile Menu using Qt Quick

Articles on Nokia Asha(Series40)

  1. An Introduction to Nokia Asha web apps
  2. Nokia Asha Web Apps – Run your app on device
  3. Nokia Asha web apps – Creating On/Off Switch
  4. Nokia Asha web apps – Screen Navigation
  5. Nokia Asha web apps – Swipe Events
  6. Nokia Asha web apps – Traffic Light

Articles on Symbian

  1. Alarm clock with custom sound
  2. An Introduction to Video Playback
  3. An Introduction to Video Streaming
  4. Dynamic Widget Reflection
  5. Video Streaming Made Simple

Articles on Windows Phone

  1.  Accessing Twitter using Windows Phone
  2. Adding Vibration on UI elements in Windows Phone
  3. Animated Moving Ball in Qt and Windows Phone
  4. Audio concatenation in Windows Phone
  5. Basic UI Components for Qt and Windows Phone
  6. Basic Web Browser in Qt and Windows Phone
  7. Basic animation in Qt and Windows Phone
  8. Birthday Calendar for Windows Phone
  9. Capturing Gestures with TouchPanel in Windows Phone
  10. CartoonMe – Gestures on Windows Phone
  11. Collage using Nokia Imaging SDK
  12. Creating Compass in Qt and Windows Phone
  13. Custom rating indicator in Qt and Windows Phone
  14. Custom splash screen with progress bar for Windows Phone applications
  15. Data Binding in Qt and Windows Phone
  16. Dynamic List Item in Qt and Windows Phone
  17. Earthquake-Reporting application for Qt and Windows Phone
  18. Edge detection filter in Windows Phone
  19. Enabling predictive text in a TextBox in Windows Phone
  20. Facebook Chat Client for Windows Phone
  21. Facebook authentication in Windows Phone application
  22. Face Detection in Windows Phone
  23. File manipulation with IsolatedStorageFile on Windows Phone
  24. Flickr app using Model-View-Controller in Qt and Windows Phone
  25. Foursquare authentication in Windows Phone application
  26. Getting user information with the Live Connect API for Windows Phone
  27. Google Landmarks on a Bing Map for Windows Phone
  28. Google Translate in Windows Phone
  29. Google Weather for Qt and Windows Phone
  30. Google+ authentication in Windows Phone application
  31. Grid View in Qt and Windows Phone
  32. How to parse YouTube API response
  33. HubTile in Windows Phone
  34. Launchers and Choosers for Windows Phone
  35. Listbox handling in Windows Phone
  36. Listing Flickr images in a grid using Qt and Windows Phone
  37. Login Dialog with validated email input in Qt Quick
  38. Login Dialog with validated email input in Qt and Windows Phone
  39. Network Connectivity Status in Windows Phone
  40. OData client library for Windows Phone 7
  41. Page transition in Qt and Windows Phone
  42. People Hub Tile Control In Windows Phone
  43. Picture Rotator Hub Tile in Windows Phone
  44. Pinch Gestures in Qt and Windows Phone
  45. Plotting current position on the Map control in Windows Phone 7
  46. Qt and Windows Phone Toolchain Overview
  47. Reporting unhandled exceptions in your Windows Phone apps
  48. Resuming streaming audio from Dormant/Tombstone state in Windows Phone
  49. Run Windows Phone application under lock screen
  50. Scrolling horizontal menu bar in Qt and Windows Phone
  51. Selection List for Qt and Windows Phone
  52. Slider and Progress Bar in Qt and Windows Phone
  53. Sliding Page Navigation in Qt and Windows Phone
  54. Steganography in Windows Phone
  55. Tab Control in Qt and Windows Phone
  56. Tilt Effect for Windows Phone
  57. Toggle Switch and Progress Bar in Qt and Windows Phone
  58. Using Accelerometer in Qt and Windows Phone
  59. Video Playback with MediaElement in Windows Phone
  60. Weather Online app for Windows Phone
  61. Windows Phone development – useful links

podcasts (Featured Project)

2715-87cb911a1aced53d3801b3377cc42368podcasts is a Series40 Java application that packed with news, education, music etc, and user can also search  for popular podcasts and add their own. It also comes with advance player controls like playback control speed and audio quality with graphics equalizer.


If you don’t like in-app advertising: there is a paid of the app available for you.  To know more about the application features/functionality and the flow, see project wiki.  You feedback and suggestions are most welcome for project enhancement. Feel free to raise tickets or start your discussion here.

– Somnath Banik (on behalf of the Projects Moderation team)

Compass (Featured Project)

2611-425751dbb371dfb313504bcb875c656bCompass is a Nokia Developer Windows Phone application that has been ported from Qt to Windows Phone 8. This application combines Nokia Maps with compass sensor. It also allows user to determine the bearing to the desired direction.


This application has been tested on Nokia Lumia 920 and developed using Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Phone 8. To learn more on the project follow up on the wiki page.

– Somnath Banik (on behalf of the Projects Moderation team)

In-application Purchase Product Catalog (Featured Project)

2537-e90da87212966995003ab4b881778c59In-application Purchase Product Catalog shows the use of IAP with multiple DRM protected items for Series 40 applications. This example is based on LCDUI Form, and demonstrates:


  1. How to purchase DRM protected items from Nokia Store.
  2. How to purchase multiple items within one application.
  3. How to design with minimal amount of code.
  4. Easy and re-usable code for user interface.

product-list-ft confirm-purchase-ft

This example was developed with Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java and is compatible with Series 40 touch and non-touch devices with in-app purchase support. To learn more about the UI flow, compatibility and implementation of the example see project wiki.

– Somnath Banik (on behalf of the Projects Moderation team)

Image Scaling Example (Featured Project)

projecticonImage Scaling Example is a Series 40 MIDlet application that demonstrates different image scaling algorithms with their performance and quality. This example scale image size at runtime and uses three different types of image algorithm techniques:

  1.  Linear interpolation
  2.  Bilinear interpolation
  3.  Pixel mixing


This application has been developed with Nokia SDK for Java 2.0 and is fully compatible with Series 40 touch and type,  and full touch devices. To know more about the application flow, implementation, quality, performance and limitations see project wiki.

– Somnath Banik (on behalf of the Projects Moderation team)

Car Trumps (Featured Project)

projecticonCar Trumps is Windows Phone 8 card game for children. This game leverages the use of NFC technology to communicate between two Windows Phone 8 devices. In this game user choose the best feature of a random car and compares the same category to its friend’s car by touching both the devices, and the winner gets both the cards.

car-trumps-main-view car-trumps-card-view

This  application demonstrate the use of ProximityDevice API to transfer data between two devices over the NFC.  The classes, code shipper and the protocol used in this application are noted in project wiki. If you are looking for more information and demo examples on Windows Phone NFC then Opening sockets with NFC could be a good starting point for you.

– Somnath Banik (on behalf of the Projects Moderation team)